Steven Jellinghaus:

Sometimes you have to take an unorthodox approach.

'Not every question requires a standard solution. This means that sometimes, in order to achieve your goal, you have to act 'out of the box'. Stepping off the beaten track. '

Contact Steven

Steven Jellinghaus

Attorney-at-Law - Rotterdam

Steven Jellinghaus is a lawyer and co-owner of Pallas Employment Lawyers.

His practice focuses on the collective aspects of employment law and co-determination law in particular. He is recognised by peers as the expert in the field of co-determination. In addition, Steven has special knowledge in the field of public employment law and is regarded in the Netherlands as a leading expert on sports law.

Steven received his phd from Tilburg University in 2003 on the subject of harmonisation of employment conditions, in particular after a merger or takeover. He is still attached to this university as an assistant professor.

Besides his work as a lawyer and assistant professor, Steven regularly provides postgraduate education, contributes to publications and fulfils various social supervisory positions within the sports and cultural sector. Among other things, he is a board member of the Professional Association for Participation Professionals (BVMP) and the Association for Sport and Law. He is also recognized as an MZ professional by  SCOOR RMZO. He is also a supervisor at  ‘Vereniging Nederlandse Poppodia en Festivals’ (VNPF), amongst other things. As editor and author, his publications include:

  • Journal of Sport and Law (‘Tijdschrift voor sport en recht’)
  • Labour law for the government (‘Arbeidsrecht voor de overheid verklaard’)
  • Opmaat employment law+ (‘Opmaat arbeidsrecht+’)
  • Insight into the Works Council (‘Inzicht in de ondernemingsraad’)
  • Works Councils Act (Paris Publishing House) (‘Wet op de ondernemingsraden’)
  • Capita Sports Law (‘Capita Sportrecht’)
  • Encyclopedia internationals sports law: The Netherlands (Kluwer International)

For a list of publications, see Steven Jellinghaus – Tilburg University Research Portal.

Steven has registered the following areas of law in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Netherlands Bar Association:

  • Employment law
    • Employee participation
    • Sports law
    • Civil service law

This registration obliges Steven to obtain ten training points in each registered area of law, according to the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.

Contact Steven